Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sneaky Schooling

After a bit of PLAYING in the Snow
it feels like...
time to WARM up
it SEEMS like
we need to do some schooling
BUT how's a mom to lure her kids heart BACK to lessons?
piece meal
bit by bit
in a REALLY sneaky way..
Time to invite Buddy to Mama's room
for snuggly time
some hot cocoa and
some stories
who knows a 6 year old not interest in THAT?

I had laid these beautiful books out on the bed
keeping it limited, to JUST these 3 books
Paddle to the Sea
is on that every home ought to have
it is so great to read it to my third child.. i actually cried.. 
I remember going to nearly all the places mentioned in the book 
when the BIG kids were that age and we were reading it..
we did a tour around some of the GREAT Lakes
we drove to New York and stopped in Buffalo
we drove to Whitefish Point and even hit the museum there
(edmund fitzgerald)
we drove to Mackinaw
to Sault St. Marie
and through Detroit over the River
we hit Niagra
(tearing up a little)
we did it all 
JUST because 
it's HOW to teach, HOW to learn, HOW to get them excited
at least for OUR family...
oh.. the memories
(Paddle covers Geography & some History & Science)
King of the Golden River(Classic Literature & History)
 is another fun story, though totally NEW to me
and the BIG kids can't WAIT to get their hands on it
a short wonderful read to them
they are for once a bit jealous of what BUDDY gets to read!
they don't get to say.. OH I remember THAT book
another reason to add it to my hot cocoa reading time
then there is McGuffy
it's the READER that my lad reads to me out loud with
we work on things like pronunciation
and grammar recognition
(Basic English class!)
and the wee stories are darling as well
Buddy (being my Artist)
 simply LOVES the fine detailed drawings in the book

we snuck up to the room 
with our hot cocoa's in hand
(snuck? what IS snuck? it's a bit like sneaked, but.. sounds better, and is in all likelihood incorrect..
WHY snuck? Little Man is napping in the room NEXT to mine
the house is old and creaky
Hot Cocoa and Little Man are all words BEST kept far apart
then it's not SPECIAL time with Mama!

he sure looks excited.. 
HE is all ready for READING time!

Oh happy days
My soon to be Seven Year Old Buddy
is a wonder!
That special time with Hot Cocoa, 
and Mama ALL to himself
snuggled on her BIG bed
covered History, Literature, Geography, some nature science & basic English lessons
a nature hike!
so that is ME being sneaky!

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