Thursday, May 16, 2013

wee updates on porch

YES it feels like progress
is slower than
doesn't it look PRETTY that new siding?

and how about that ceiling?

I love the way it makes the door color POP!

here is a photo from about 3-4 weeks ago

believe it or not
this is all that was done since…
the two pad areas were laid out..
why the delay..?
they had MORE snow!
Icy cold & Wisconsin snows
will reek havoc on newly poured concrete
Patiently and expectantly I await it's completion..
(psst.. supposedly… it SHOULD be done for Memorial Day weekend)
so so so hopefilled!
praying for the builders
for their diligence
for the weather
for their family life
for their safety
for all their jobs to run smoothly
and for me
to be at peace in the final stretch of the wait!

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