Saturday, November 1, 2014


After a great time at Summer Camp
Princess came home with her Bestie Billie
They had nearly a week to just hang out at the farm..
to go to the beach and do things like 
every teen aged girl would do.

pick up litter off the grounds

dump out the old cans and bottles of beer and soda's they found

leaving the beach CLEAN
and beautiful

and putting everything in the proper recycle container 

I confess…
 I LOVE these girls!
They are SO fun to be around

they are nature girls

it was a nice week for them,
and for ME.
I sure missed my girlie while she was OFF
white water rafting,
working on COPE 
working on her hipline
and getting trained in ATV
not to mention horseback riding

coming back meant hitting some favorite places

and being silly!

it meant being utterly harassed by little brothers

and long chats
because that is what great friends do..
we LOVE Billie
and hope she gets back to the farm soon

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