Monday, September 23, 2013

family fun

there is nothing..
as fun to an 8 year old boy
than having your great Uncle play with you
especially a if it's a bit of target practice 
with your air soft

nothing so fun as having family about you
and sharing stories

a few weeks back we had Uncles and Tantes
come up to 
Blessings Farm for a wee visit…
and it was so lovely!
We had a great little lunch spread out..
enjoyed eating it on the porch too..

LOVED hearing stories of
back in the day

I have never enough words..
or perhaps
not the right words
to express how much I love
these BEAUTIFUL souls!!

their genuine love
has been consistent
thru the ups and downs of life

and each of them
means so much more to each of US
than perhaps they will EVER know..
Uncle A
Aunt D
Uncle H
Tante M
Thanks for coming all the way
to spend the day
with our family
at Blessings Farm!
you are LOVED!!!

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