Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nature Walk discoveries...

I adore Nature Walks,
or Nature Hikes
(there IS a difference)
I enjoy them all year round
now the snow has temporarily melted
I wanted to document some discoveries

fungal infection on a tree ?

this looks a bit like
a paraite

eek.. can trees get cancer?
It seems we need to chop 
and BURN these
before it spreads further

this nice tree I can see from the Littlest room
is near collapsing!
perhaps it needs to just get cut..
in hopes of new growth and plantings having a chance

this is infested!
Must be a favored spot of woodpeckers!

someone living in there?

this just doesn't look...
does it..

Not all discoveries are wonderful
some are hard to take
and learning it
is what matters
because when we SEE clearly 
that which IS true
we can wisely choose the best path to follow
to lead to health and healing

lessons God is teaching through His Creation from nature

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