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long walks
this Autumn hasn't been easy..
I am finally beginning to see improvements form
the terrible illness..
so those walks are JUST becoming possible..
how long those walks will be, is yet to be determined..
yes folks
I am still recovering...
that is nearly two months of being ..
very very ill..
so what's been happening?
what is going on at the farm?
Recently the guys
connected the two trails..
I hope to get photos up for you to see SOON..
some OUT buildings were demolished..
photos to be posted Soon
We are still waiting on the County for our building permits
and then
the long awaited porch goes up
(praying hard that
all the i's are dotted
t's crossed super soon ..
winter's fast approaching!)
Also, have some autumn plantings that need to happen
beyond hope
that the Rose Hips will be ready for harvesting
I certainly would enjoy some Rose Hip Tea